Monday, October 7, 2013


Whoa!! Hold the presses!!  You mean when you fire pottery at the temperature at which it was intended to be fired, wonderful things happen??

Yes, it seems that this is true............ so I finally realized what was going on between the clay and the glaze and the firing and told Dave to put everything in at cone 6.

Here are my latest pieces:

I love the vibrant colors!  I've been waiting so long for this!

Yes, I still have a ways to go with the color.......... I still see lighter areas.....Maybe I'm not letting it dry enough between coats?  Maybe it didn't all get three coats?  

I know that brushing it on is not the ideal technique, but it's all I've got at the moment.

It's not perfect, of course,  but there's nothing like a small step forward to make you giddy with excitement!

I may just bisque my huge platter and glaze it (very scary):

or my doormat plate next.......... Yay!!!

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