Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This is Humberto.

Good news?? He's a very nice man. He loves to fish and host fish fries. He loves his garden and his kids. He goes to church and wants to buy a little boat someday.

Bad news?? He can't do concrete work any better than I can.

Worse news?? He's the one who made the concrete edge around our grass.

Our first clue was when he declared that for some mysterious reason, the truck didn't bring enough concrete. They had to wing it and mix some up right then and there in the wheelbarrow. Two concretes= two colors, two consistencies.......uh-oh. Did I mention they dribbled it everywhere??

The next day we discovered why there wasn't enough concrete: the forms weren't deep enough and the concrete drooled out the bottom and made a concrete floor all around.........

Then he pulled off the forms too soon and the concrete stuck to them and left holes in the edging............ So he patched that with concrete miracle patch.......yet another color..............

Meanwhile, he's humming the whole time and babbling how he loves pleasing his clients......oy vey ......

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